Author: Nancy (CSW)

Casey Flat Ranch — A Hidden Gem in the Capay Valley AVA

To say Casey Flat Ranch is remote is an understatement. The 6000 acre ranch is located in the Vaca Mountains northeast of Lake Berryessa and the Napa Valley. This remote area of Yolo county has a wine producing history dating back to the 1860s, but the Capay Valley AVA was only recently declared in 2002.

The Lodi Native Project: One More Taste

The Lodi Native Project is the collaborative effort of six Lodi winemakers making Zinfandel from six heritage vineyards using a standardized, minimal-intervention style of winemaking. It is intended to showcase some of Lodi’s special Zinfandel vineyards, not the winemaking style. A unique concept which produces six unique and delicious wines.

Wine Diamonds: Little Gems in the Bottom of Your Wine Glass

Most wine drinkers are not excited about finding sediment, crystals or anything else in the bottom of their drained wine glass. I keep an open mind about these things. Admittedly it doesn’t happen too often, mostly just some sediment with an older red wine (which makes me very happy as I appreciate the transformation an older red wine makes in the bottle), but recently I was treated to a little surprise.

Rhone Rangers 2014: Celebrating American Rhone Wines

What a spectacular day! The weather was much too warm for early April, but perfect for an outing to the Richmond side of San Francisco Bay. Can’t say I had ever been to Richmond before, just driven through the city on the way to somewhere else. So, when I noticed the Rhone Rangers celebration was to be held in part at Craneway Conference Center and Pavilion at Ford Point, Richmond I was curious.