Tag: Bordeaux

Cabernet Franc – That Other Cabernet

Cabernet Franc is most often used as a blending grape because it has such a distinctive bouquet. But, it also makes a lovely wine all on its own. Our tasting this week was six Cabernet Franc wines from the USA, France and Argentina.

More 2009 Bordeaux

We just attended another tasting of 2009 Bordeaux at Fine Wines of Stockton. Five reds and a Sauternes.
It’s always great when you can participate in a wine tasting and walk away liking every wine you tried!

2009 Bordeaux Tasting

We missed the first 2009 Bordeaux tasting at our local wine shop, Fine Wines of Stockton, while we were in Nepal but fortunately we were here for the second one.

A Bordeaux Selection

Thursday nghts tasting notes again. This week we tasted red Bordeaux from the years 2006, 2007 and 2008. This tasting hopeully will help us see how these wines may be developing in our cellars.