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Three Albarinos from Bokisch Vineyards

Three Expressions of Albariño from Bokisch Vineyards

It’s all in the dirt. That’s essentially what Bokisch Vineyards’ winemaker Elise Perry told us yesterday during a quick conversation about the unique expression of the three Albariños we had just tasted in the Bokisch Vineyards Atkins Road tasting room. Each Albariño is sourced from a different vineyard; two are located in the Lodi AVA and the third is located […]

Mettler 2016 Albarino

Let’s Celebrate Albariño! #AlbarinoFiesta

Almost every day is a wine day for us, so we are always ready for a wine day celebration. By that I mean a day specifically designated by an organization or individual on which to celebrate a specific varietal wine or just wine in general. These celebrations often involve special events and lots of sharing on social media with the […]

Fine Wines of Stockton

Oh No, My Local Wine Shop Is Closing!

To some in the city where I live the closing of Fine Wines of Stockton will go unnoticed. To frequent customers of Lincoln Center the closing of Fine Wines may mean just an empty storefront. Those who appreciate fine wine will certainly notice. To the regular customers of Fine Wines the loss will be more acute. With the shuttering of […]

ArrowandBranch featured

Arrow&Branch: A Numismatist’s Winemaking Dream

Numismatist. Not your everyday word. Thanks to Steve and Seanne Contursi, the creative couple behind Arrow&Branch winery, I recently learned the meaning of this difficult-to-pronounce word and had the opportunity to taste their Arrow&Branch wines. It is because of Steve’s success as a numismatist (a coin collector and trader) that the Contursis are able to realize their dream of owning […]

Preview featured photo

Summer Supper & Wine for #winePW: A Preview

The theme for our July Wine Pairing Weekend (aka: #winePW) is Summer Supper & Wine and we at Pull That Cork are hosting the July event. Wine Pairing Weekend is a group of bloggers who gather together once a month to create food and wine pairings around a theme. David Crowley started the group in June 2014 and this is […]

Villa Maria Featured Photo

Villa Maria: A Taste of New Zealand

The origin of the name Villa Maria has been a curiosity to me since first I first read the wine bottle label and realized it was a New Zealand wine. The name never quite fit with its New Zealand origin. I remember several years ago searching the Villa Maria website for a clue as to its origin. The founder of […]