Lodi! The definitive guide and history of America’s largest winegrowing region is the complete title of Randy Caparoso’s comprehensive new book about California’s Lodi AVA. It is definitive and detailed and gives you a sense of the history, the land, its soils and climate. It will acquaint you with the astonishing number of grape varieties grown in the region in addition to Zinfandel – for which the region is so well known. And it will give you a feeling for the styles of Zinfandel made in Lodi.

What makes Lodi! so engaging is the personal way Randy tells the region’s story though the people who farm the land and make the wine. The book is full of beautiful pictures from Lodi’s past and present. For more than 10 years Randy has walked the vineyards year-round. He has been there before dawn during harvest, during pruning and as the vineyards reawaken after winter. He has witnessed the changing of the seasons and his beautiful photographs document all of it. He has seemingly talked to everyone in Lodi’s vineyards and wine cellars. His words reflect those conversations, along with his extensive research, and his photos leave you feeling personally acquainted with the land and and everyone who works it.
Lodi! begins with a Forward by noted journalist and wine judge, Mike Dunne and then an Introduction by Randy Caparoso, where he describes “a life of wine”, before moving on to six sections plus an Appendix.
Colorful illustrations by Lisa Nowlain introduce each section:
- The Many Sides of Lodi
- Lodi History
- Lodi’s Sense of Place
- Zinfandel and Heritage Vineyards
- The 100-Plus Grapes of Lodi
- Why Lodi “Rules”
When Randy Caparoso moved to Lodi in 2010 to join the Lodi Winegrape Commission as a freelance blogger and social media director he already had more than 30 years’ experience as a restaurateur, sommelier and writer/editor. He turned a fresh set of eyes on the region and, as it turns out, was the perfect person to tell Lodi’s story to the world. He is also the nicest person you could hope to meet in an industry of very nice people.
Lodi! can be purchased from KitchenCinco Press. We make no financial gain when you order Lodi! We supported Randy’s early crowdfunding effort to publish his book, and after holding it in our hands, we’re glad we did. To quote Randy in the Introduction of his book, “Lodi – its vineyards, wines and people – is the real deal.” So is Lodi!